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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog about Copyright and Fair Use

Nathan Renfro
ETEC 424
September 29, 2010

Blog Response
Blackboard, Inc. (2000). Copyright, fair use, and educational multimedia FAQ. Retrieved from http://www.blackboard.com/

Paragraph 1:
We have to respect copyrighted works and “fair use” laws because fines can be assessed if these laws are not followed. This is important to do because the fines can be very expensive to those who are fined for their offense(s). I will show my students how to properly include other people’s works into their own. I will also show my students how to get permission from a desired source to use the copyrighted work in their own work. If no permission is granted after requesting for it, I will show my students how to legally use the allowed portion of the work if no other source is available for their project. I will have websites, like Cyberbee.com, that have detailed information regarding “copyright” and “fair use” laws available to my students. I will also provide “Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines” that was available in PDF format as a resource to answer any questions concerning copyright infringement to avoid it in my classroom.
Paragraph 2:
Online safety is the procedures or behaviors a person or group can take to avoid/notice/report online bullying. They are related but different. Online Safety is not cyberbullying. Online safety is the way to avoid cyberbullying. The best way to protect one’s self from cyber-bullying and online predators is to keep important information (real names, real addresses, real phone numbers, etc.) confidential from the public. A second important length one can take against cyber-bullying and online predators is to report any suspicious or obvious activity to law enforcement or, if it is a student who notices the offense, to teachers.
Paragraph 3:
This information is very important for everyone to know who will use or has used other people’s works in their own public presentations. I did not know that when a written work is published online, it is automatically copyrighted. This is huge because I have not written some thoughts that I have had specifically because I wanted to get them published before I put them out there. I probably will keep most thoughts I want published to myself until they are published, but certain quotes that I have come up with I may post online somewhere. I just want credit for my work because I enjoy what I write. The “Quiz” I took was little confusing because on the PDF article (Blackboard, Inc.) there was a chart that listed up to ten percent of a music, lyric, or music video could be used if it didn’t exceed thirty seconds, yet some of the scenarios in the questions presented that a video and song were used but it did not give a time limit on how long they were used. So, based on my knowledge from the information on the chart, I answered the question and it seemed to not follow the information presented in the PDF Article.